Pathways to Change

is a non-profit initiative that seeks to exponentially increase the number of prepared adults in the world. Becoming a prepared adult occurs when both the child and the parent are aligned. In other words, it is the experience that the child has with the adult, and the experience that the parent has with the child, that will help or harm the outcome to growth, development, and independence.

Who We Are 

PAI Zero-to-6-Parents is a non-profit scientific, empirical and most importantly non-judgmental organization that seeks to exponentially increase the number of prepared adults in the world.

Becoming a prepared adult occurs when both the child and the parent are aligned. In other words, it is the experience that the child has with the adult, and the experience that the parent has with the child, that will help or harm the outcome to growth, development, and independence.

Our organization is composed of 4 people: 

Mike is a successful technology entrepreneur and philosopher.
Joel is an expert researcher and archivist (and so much more – anything else?)
Rob is also an entrepreneur, musician, and school board president.
Laurent is a bilingual Montessori early childhood educator, director, researcher and now parent advisor. 

But we are now students and supporters of parents, who do one of the the most important jobs in the world! 

We’re also all passionate about the scientific approach to education, Montessori and helping all parents, children and families to create peaceful and developmentally optimal family paradigms. 

What We Do 

We are committed to offering parents of young children (0 to 6) and their children free, easy, and effective experiences to improve: 

  • Parent patience

  • Parent-child relationships

  • An understanding of the needs and characteristics of young children (2 to 6.)

We believe that Information is everywhere, hence is cheap, and that it is Experience that is the fastest and only way to create true knowledge.

We offer free, 1-1 Zoom calls (in order to get to know your particular hopes and fears/challenges), after which send you some free and easy activities to try with your child and provide however much feedback you want (lots, or little) and for however long you want to (from 1 week to years, for some parents.)
For most effective results, parents share their experience by sending either pictures or videos of the experience of the activity with their child. A great majority of which  turn out to be beneficial, catalytic and transformative, not only for themselves (more patience and understanding of the child) but also for the child (more independence and agency.) 

Topics range from: tantrums, discipline, freedom, communication, home environments, parent and child behavior and psychology, etc. But it can be whatever you seek.
So Give Us a Try and Sign up Now:)